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Mojo Challenge Week 4: Findings

It's week 4 of the Jewelry Making Mojo Challenge! I hope you've had a chance to jump in and have been inspired to create some amazing jewelry over the last three weeks. I love seeing and reading about your creative adventures in our Facebook group.

Your Assignment:
Make some findings and use them in your jewelry.  It can be earwires, clasps or chain.  You can make them out of anything - anything.  Wire, metal, beads, seed beads, polymer clay, metal clay - whatever is calling your name, jump in and give it a try!

Get creative, have fun and don't forget to share your work with us.

Two toggle clasps that I created - making your own findings takes your jewelry to the next level! 

Tips for Making Your Own Findings:
Practice, practice, practice.  Plan to make several pieces before you have one that is ready to use in your jewelry.  Practice with copper wire if you are making wire findings before moving on to silver.  Copper is a very soft metal, brass is much harder - keep that in mind when working.

Finding Inspiration:

Candy Cane Earring Tutorial by Heather Powers

Sun Clasp by Heather Powers 

Earwire Tutorial from Deryn Mentock

Spiral Wire Clasp Tutorial by Cindy Wimmer

Chain Tutorial by Keirsten Giles

Share your progress!
If you write a blog post about your Week 4 Challenge share the link by clicking on the blue button below.  If you don't have a blog leave a comment here to let me know you participated in the Facebook group this week.

What is the Jewelry Mojo Challenge? Click here to read all about it.  Can you still join? Yes! You can follow along and do all 12 weeks or pick and choose the ones you find inspiring.