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Bead Fest Prep

It's the final countdown! I am in the middle of finishing up beads for my first time at Bead Fest in Philly. My butterfly beads will be making their big debut. 

New pendants in progress. These are in brass bezels. 

Filling up trays as quickly as I can! This one will be all the new beads for the show. 

Getting ready for the show isn't just about making the beads. There is the booth, marketing materials, etc. I made these postcards to handout while I do a demo on Saturday afternoon from 1:00 - 1:45 showing how to use the bead spinner with memory wire and peanut seed beads.

I'll be signing books in my booth, I have a limited quantity. If you have a copy bring it and I will be happy to sign it! 

Along with beads, books and finished jewelry I will also have kits at this show. The ones above feature Humblebeads, Vintage Meadow leaves and lampwork by Sea of Glass. 

So all this will be happening in booth 559A. Be sure to stop by and say hello! I better get back to it!