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Creating to Battle Holiday Stress

There has been a flurry of activity in the studio this week. Jess and I have been working away filling orders. I've been busy behind the scenes working on my second book and other deadlines. 
Life is crazy busy right now. And while adding one more thing to my to-do list may seem crazy, it is actually the one thing that keeps me sane.
Finding time to explore and create something new gives my spirit wings, brings me joy and instills some sense of peace that only creating can fulfill in me.
So while I juggle my vida loca, as long as my hands stay busy and new ideas are being brought to life all is well with my soul. 
Does creating help you relax and dust away the stress of the holidays? 
Share with me something you've made recently in the comments, anything at all! I want to see what you've been up to lately. 
Peace and joy sweet souls!