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Day 3 Birthday Celebration Giveaway

Today's giveaway is all about my favorite time of year - autumn! I know, it's just barely August and I pinkie swear I'm all trying to live in the moment and enjoy the summer while it's here.  But I can't help but feel a little giddy at that thought of crisp mornings, leaves changing colors and warm comfy scarves and sweaters.  Absolutely giddy I tell you!

Rejetta Sellers has an earring project in the new issue of 101 Bracelets, Earrings and Necklaces that just happen to use my Leaf Charms. Yeah! And even better, they made the cover! Which also happens to share space with a necklace from one of my dearest friends, Erin Prais-Hintz.  Who, also happens to share my birthday! Love it!

Today I'm giving away a pendant and charm set of my Leaves

Leave a comment below telling me your favorite season. 

One random will be picked on August 11th. (My birthday!) You can still enter the first two giveaways until the 10th. 

If you'd like to make my day, check out my Inspired by Nature Retreat and pin one of my photos or share the link on Facebook or Twitter.