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Day 6 Birthday Celebration

Today's Birthday giveaway is inspired by one of my favorite events of the year - the Bead Cruise!

I created this pendant a few years ago for the gift bags - we gather together quite the swag bag from our sponsors each year.  I do my part to make them awesome.

I kind of wait for the Bead Cruise like kiddos wait for Christmas Day.  All. Year. Long!

I'm super excited about next year, we have so many talented people traveling with us, old friends returning and new cruisers who have been long time online friends who are planning to join us. Can't wait!

That's life isn't it? One day rolling around in the memories of yesteryear and the next day dreaming ahead of events looming on the horizon. Yep, that's my life - sweet and precious memories, good things to look forward to and in the middle is the creamy center of the mundane; the drama of raising teens, enjoying the every day moments, working away and small pleasures of life.

It's all worth Celebrating!!!

"The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." - Robert Louis Stevenson

My birthday is in 5 more days.  Until then, check back each day for a new giveaway.  I have another free project coming up this week.  If you missed any of the past 5 days, you can still enter.

So for today's giveaway leave a comment and tell me where you'd go on your dream vacation.  (P.S. - my dream, dream vacation would be a trip to Scotland!)

One lucky winner will receive a Hibiscus Pendant shown above.