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Fall Finery

Do you feel it? We've all seen the back-to-school promos and pencil-notebook-crayon-eraser-filled aisles. The cooler mornings and shorter days are a sure sign. We are even seeing hints of colors dappling the trees. No doubt about it, autumn is slowly creeping her way on to the landscape. 
And I'm super cool with that. If heaven were a season, it would be fall. So I took a few minutes to whip up some earrings to celebrate!
These long dangles feature Humblebeads disk beads in birch and leafy patterns. (Grab them at Bead Fest next week!) It's a little hard to see the bronze and copper glass o-beads that are working hard as spacers, but they are there! Czech glass leaves in a mustard yellow remind me of my favorite knitted scarf. 
Yep, I'm ready for sweater weather, autumn colors and everything pumpkin spice! How about you? 
Actual autumnal evidence from my front yard! 
Have a great weekend!!!