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A Hopeful House Pendant

I'm finding little totems of houses offer a bit of comfort as we are all sheltering in place. Stay home to stay safe is the call of the day and my jewelry is definitely reflecting that. 


Nest Bead 

Tiny pewter bird charm

3 Czech glass flowers 

6 6mm Czech glass round beads

15mm brass jump ring

13 5mm jump rings

28" copper plated chain

18" 20 gauge antiqued copper wire

1. To create this simple project start with 10" of 20 gauge wire, create a wrapped loop, add the house bead with the top of the house first. Create a loop under the house and create a wrap, continue wrapping the wire under the house to create the wire nest. 

2. Add 3 small jump rings linked together on the loop under the house. Add the bird charm with a jump ring. 

3. Add a flower onto a ball headpin, create a wrapped loop. Repeat two more times. Use a jump ring to attach each flower to the loop under the nest.

4. One 1 1/4" of copper wire, create a simple loop, add a round bead, create a simple loop on top. Repeat 5 more times. Attach three of the bead links with a 5mm jump ring between each link. Attach a 28" chain to the end of the bead links with 5mm jump rings. 

5. Attach the house pendant to 15mm jump ring, adding the end of the bead links to the jump ring before closing.