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Valentine Inspirations

How is it February already? Well, I guess that just means we are all that much closer to Spring! And I'm ready for it. Right. Now. 
So Valentines Day is in 10 days, it also happens to be the day I set sail for Bead Cruise 2015. We are celebrating our 10th anniversary. The sari silk above is my inspiration color palette for beads I'm making for the cruise. 

My favorite heart pendants capture those colors too. 

I snapped this sunrise a few weeks ago. Those colors have been on my bead table ever since. It was the perfect break from January's monochromatic gray and snowy white. A little slice of heaven was captured that morning. This world is filled with wonder! 

In fact, that very day I sat down and made these birds inspired by the sunrise! Loving peachy/pink hues this year. 

Need more Valentines inspiration? Check out this wire heart tutorial that I shared on the Art Bead Scene last year. 
What helps you cope with the mid-winter blahs?