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Challenge: Create jewelry using the beads curated by Lorelie Eurto.

Current Crushes: Waxed linen, navy blue beads and tiger lilies.

Inspirations: Garden in late summer or flowers along the edge of a…

This fluttered down to my feet the other day.  Really, it doesn't seem right? I'm not ready to give up these carefree summer days! Fall is my favorite time of year, but I don't know - summer just passed by too quickly.  And I'm slightly obsessed with learning how to do things like can, make jam, salsas and relish, my own tomato sauce, freeze veggies like they are going…

Did you get out for an inspiration adventure yesterday?  We spent the afternoon out soaking in nature and visiting a very creative ceramic studio that is down the road from me. It was our last weekend to go blueberry hunting for the summer.  I live in an area with farms in every direction and our little town is in what is known as the 'fruit belt'.  My next adventure…

How did the bead stash busting go yesterday?  Did you make anything?  I would LOVE to see it - share a link.  I created a bracelet design and a tutorial. 

Hidden Clasp Bracelet Tutorial - click the link to view the directions.

Today to avoid bead envy for those lucky sticks at Bead Fest, we are busting our bead stash!  My challenge for you is to dig in that bead stash and pull out something that hasn't seen the light of day for a while. If you have been to a big bead show, I challenge you to find something from a past bead show purchase.  You can share a photo and story about it. …

Okay, wipe away those tears - you are going to need those Kleenex's for drooling! I've gathered together some awesome beadmakers and shops to share discounts with you for the weekend.  All sales are Friday through Sunday. Discount code for each shop is PITYPARTY13.

Humblebeads - 20% off beads and…