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This is going to be a fun challenge! I love seeing when designers show off their work that has made it on a TV show, movie or worn by a celeb. It fascinating to see how they capture the essence of a character with beads and metal.

True North points to knowing what your guiding philosophies are and having a clear direction in life. It's your gut instinct, your guiding light. It keeps you on the path as you journey toward what is true in your life.  The feather pendant was inspired…

We are making beads like maniacs over here.  Today we whipped up more Blooms & Birds sets because they are adorable, cheerful and full of fun colors and what's not to love about that?  I'm working on some little totem sets with…

It's all about the color, color, color! Loving playing with color palettes each morning before I start working on bead orders. It's been so much fun to go crazy with mixing colors. I'm squirreling away beads for Bead & Button but also putting some in…

This week we are going to do some window shopping to find our inspiration.  If you sell your jewelry knowing what colors are popular and the major trends can help inspire new designs. Another reason to look toward clothing stores - you'll get to know your…

So these are on my bead table today. I've been whipping up round beads and bird mixes getting ready for Bead & Button. This weekend and next are my big production weekends.  We are going to make hundreds of…