Access your old account here, download what you need for your files before June 30th. 

Need a tracking number? Email Jess at


I'm so excited to announce today that I'm the next Vintaj Art Bead Partner!

There may be 6" of new fallen snow outside my window, but in my mind I'm already lazing on tropical beaches in the Bahamas.  My bead table this week is filled with prep work for the Bead Cruise.

It's week 4 of the Jewelry Making Mojo Challenge! I hope you've had a chance to jump in and have been inspired to create some amazing jewelry over the last three weeks. I love seeing and reading about your creative adventures in our…

Today it's all about filling orders and creating inventory. Yep, we live and work in a bead factory and from now until the Bead Cruise we pretty much eat, sleep and breathe beads. Nothing makes me more creative than a deadline!

Welcome to week 3 of the Jewelry Making Mojo Challenge. It's been so much fun to see all those bead soup and challenge projects.