Access your old account here, download what you need for your files before June 30th. 

Need a tracking number? Email Jess at


Okay, so I have been thinking, pondering, mulling it over and I'm pretty sure I'm 100% anti-Black Friday. And super anti-Black Friday for those poor folks that have to work on Thanksgiving. I mean I like deals and bargains and a good hunt, but at what price is the deal…

I'm super excited to be hosting my first webinar for Interweave today. Just like the title says I'll be sharing all my tips and tricks for visually branding and promoting your business. 

So it's time for another round of the Art Bead Scene editors taking a turn at creating jewelry the monthly challenge and sharing our work in a blog hop. This month's painting is by Martin Johnson Heade.

“Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day.” ~ Shira Tamir

Oak Leaf Matchstick Earring Charms -

Color inspirations - I can't get enough when it comes to creating jewelry! I'm always on the hunt for a new beautiful color palette to incorporate into my beads and jewelry. In a rut - find a new and unexpected color palette to inspire your designs. Want to create…

Woodland Winter Inspirations: