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Chocolate, beads and love - they all produce the same chemical reaction in the brain, I'm sure of it! We've all had the rush of finding a swoon worthy bead, one that makes your heart beat a little faster when it's in the palm of your hand. Your head starts swimming…

“I love like a leaf in the wind. Please, hold your applause until the end of the performance (the last day of fall).” ~ Jarod Kintz

Aubergine Leaf Charms - Purple Oak Leaves…

Today the editors of the Art Bead Scene have risen to the monthly challenge over on our blog. This month I picked this colorful and playful painting by Milton Avery. I have to say it's the color that grabbed me when I first saw this painting.…

The birch begins to crack its outer sheath
Of baby green and show the white beneath.... 
~ Robert Frost

Birch Disc Beads - Birch Photograph…